About Us, the Info Center & Our Mission

Hello and welcome to Samara and Carrillo, two amazing beaches and towns!
We are Brenda and Christopher and we are the Samara-Carrillo Info Center! Well, we are more than that really. We are the Welcome Center, Reservation Station, Tourist Information, Free Travel Planning, and Booking Station.
Hello and welcome to the Costa Rica Info Center!
We are Brenda and Christopher, the founders, owners, and operators of the world-famous Samara-Carrillo Info Center! We are rated #1 on TripAdvisor and since 2011 we have been working with tourists, locals, and operators providing the best FREE Tourist Information, FREE Travel Planning, and FREE Booking Services for all of Costa Rica. We now operate 100% online and have launched this new Costa Rica Info Center site to expand our reach in helping you!
Between the two of us, we have lived in Costa Rica for over 40 years (at the time of launching this website) and have been to almost every part of the country and at one time or another have done almost everything. After settling down and getting married in Samara the idea struck to develop the first and only actual Tourist Info Center in the area. Our goal is to represent professional businesses while selecting the best fit for your needs and steer you clear of local scams and rip-offs while providing you with honest and transparent information and service. Our services were so popular we had thousands of requests for assistance for other areas of Costa Rica so we created the Costa Rica Info Center: your one-stop-shop for all your Costa Rica questions and needs.
We are a free information center for residents and tourists in Costa Rica. Our main services focus on helping you with your transportation, tours, and accommodation needs based on your budget and preferences.
In late 2019, we streamlined our procedures and made plans to move our office 100% online. Our new virtual office saves you time as you do not need to stand in line to see us. It also speeds up our replies because we have fewer interruptions. We really do enjoy being of service and look forward to helping more people more efficiently so please do not hesitate to contact us.
We are your one-stop-shop for almost anything and almost everywhere in Costa Rica and are endorsed by the Guanacaste Tourism Board (Caturgua) and the Samara Tourism Board and are rated #1 on TripAdvisor!
Please feel free to contact us with all your questions.
Our services are always 100% Free!
Travel well, have fun and we’ll see you soon!
Brenda and Christopher
Email: [email protected]
Office 2656 2424 or use the FREE CALL button on our website
International callers please dial 011-506 before our phone number
The Costa Rica Info Center is a company focused on providing superior service and reliable information about transportation, accommodations, and activities throughout Costa Rica for local and international visitors.
Since 2011 we have been helping travelers and locals alike discover the best that Costa Rica has to offer.
With a brand-new reservation system and modern website, we continually strive to be innovative, the first and the best at information and reservations.
We operate with high moral values and try to hold those we work with to the same standards to ensure the best possible experience for you.
We are a single source for all your Costa Rica questions, assistance, and reservation needs.
We never upcharge from what the actual cost is.
We stand behind our service and we work for you.
Office: 2656-2424 or use the FREE CALL button on our website
Brenda: Cell – iChat – WhatsApp 8706-7176, [email protected]
Christopher: Cell – WhatsApp 8304-5258, [email protected]
After hours 2656-2162 (emergency only)
We can be reached 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
International callers, please dial 011-506 before the local phone number
A few of our popular links:
The Costa Rica Info Center and associated entities are not responsible for the actions or services provided by tour operators, transportation providers, or accommodations in Costa Rica. We do our best to source out and work with only ethical and professional businesses in Costa Rica.
All images used on this website were taken by us or supplied to us by our business associates or the Costa Rican tourism boards: ICT, CATURGUA, and CANATUR, or sent to us by visitors to Costa Rica to be used for information and promotion with the understanding we have the right to use the photos as needed. If there are images on this website that have copyright the use is totally by accident. We will remove any images that have been copyrighted immediately after notification. Our intentions are not to use or take advantage of copyrighted materials.